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Feet are one of the most important parts of the body and foot problems can affect people of all ages, whether they be those with limited mobility or active sportsmen and women who place more than the usual pressure on their feet.

What might at first appear to be something small and insignificant can cause great problems with simple everyday activities such as walking. Other health issues like diabetes, arthritis and poor circulation can also cause foot problems, but with regular care these complications can be reduced.

So, whether you are suffering from corns and calluses, or cracked heels and hard skin, it's best to see a Foot Health Practitioner as soon as you can.

Nail Filing & Trimming

Cutting toenails should be done carefully as mistakes could lead to problems that can affect mobility. While many people don't require assistance taking care of their toes, people with diabetes or reduced mobility can really benefit from the services of a qualified foot health professional.


Initial Consultation: 90 minutes; Standard consultations 30-45 minutes


The standard charge for each appointment is £35. For each patient’s first appointment, Fiona will conduct a full foot assessment at no extra charge. The cost of any more complicated treatments will be advised in advance.

Reduction of Thickened Nails

The thickening of nails can be caused by fungal infections or as the result of pressure, such as that experienced by many sportsmen and women. Regardless of the cause, thick toenails can be reduced by careful filing and trimming using a diamond bur attached to a medical grade drill.

Removal of Hard Skin & Calluses

Calluses commonly form over the bony area just underneath your toes. As this area takes much of your weight, calluses can become painful. The thickened skin of a callus can be reduced using a scalpel blade. Sometimes regular trimming sessions are needed to complete the treatment.


Treatment of Corns & Cracked Heels

Corns are most commonly caused by ill-fitting shoes, while cracked heels, or heel fissures, are caused by dry skin. The best treatment for both of these problems is removal with a scalpel. Hard skin will also be smoothed and softened, with hydrating cream massaged into the feet.

Diabetic Foot Care & Assessment

Diabetes may lead to poor circulation and reduced feeling in the feet. As a result, diabetics are more likely to be admitted to hospital with a foot ulcer than with any other complication of diabetes. Diabetics should by examined by a qualified foot health professional at least once a year.


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